Basics of Digital Marketing: What, Why, Who and How

By crux creative solutions

October 21, 2021

Basics of Digital Marketing

With the internet being accessible to literally anyone, you would not believe it if we were to tell you that the numbers are still increasing.

With this, how people used to do their day-to-day activities has also changed drastically. Things like grocery shopping, apparel shopping, gaining knowledge, entertainment, everything is changing with changing times.

Marketing has and will always be about connecting people at the right time on the right foot. Well digital marketing companies in Gurgaon or otherwise are targeting nothing different and also understands its core functionality. So now you have to meet people where they spend most of their time- Internet.

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is something that encompasses all marketing platforms, techniques that require the internet and is shown using the internet. Businesses (service or product) use various digital channels to promote what they want to sell. Channels like- search engine, social media, email, website, blogs extra are used to leverage the audiences. Digital marketing services in Gurgaon, Delhi or in other parts of the country or the world use these channels to get audiences.

Why is Digital Marketing important?

As we were telling you earlier, the internet has become accessible and the usage is only increasing. Digital marketing has the capabilities of reaching larger audiences in less time. Traditional methods can only reach certain people and also are not as cost effective as digital marketing. When you promote your business over multiple digital channels, you have more chances of reaching your right audience than you would do in a traditional method. This is what a good digital marketing agency in Gurgaon like ours understands.

Who is being targeted in Digital Marketing?

Anyone who uses the internet is your target audience. But that is not it. When an advertising agency in Gurgaon prepares a campaign for your business, they figure out the audiences first. The target audience will mainly depend upon the kind of service/product, what age group that audience lies in and what geographical location you as a business would want to target. Allowing ads to play anywhere and everywhere is a complete waste. So, it is important to determine your target audience accordingly.

How to start with Digital Marketing?

When it comes to ‘how’ of digital marketing, it is important to consider these 8 points:

  • Know and define your goals
  • Set your target audience
  • Establish a certain budget
  • Balance organic and paid engagement
  • Content is always the key
  • Optimise for different sources- Phones/Desktop/Tablet etc
  • Conduct good keyword search
  • Iterate with the help of metric measurement

Once you are able to streamline the above 8 points then only can you move forward with actual marketing. Even though it is easier than traditional marketing but is also the most exposed. It is important to calculate your moves with reasonable risks. You cannot just be the follower or rules or complete risk taker. It is essential to strike a balance.

Crux Creative Solutions is the best digital marketing agency in Gurgaon. We provide you with an entire digital marketing solution under one roof. Our services are hassle free and client based. To know more about us, you can visit our website.

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